Meat producers, striving for higher efficiency and additional value , must adapt to evolving consumer trends and increased responsibilities in a competitive marketplace. At GEA, we understand the challenges shaping your industry, which require ingenuity, collaboration, and inventive solutions.
We are pleased to present our robust portfolio of technology and know-how for preparing meat mixes, injecting and marinating fresh meat and further processing, slicing, and packing meat products. Our solutions address challenges such as efficiency, profitability, and health standards while unlocking new value creation opportunities.
Let GEA be your process technology partner as we aspire together to move the market forward.
Enhancing fresh meat offers more than product safety and increased shelf life. It has evolved into a way of adding value to the products through enhanced flavor, more appetizing color after cooking, higher yield and an appealing bite.
Whether processing emulsified products such as sausages; roasted or smoked products such as spare-ribs; or coated pork schnitzels, you face challenges. Balancing efficiency and profitability while meeting modern health and safety standards is a complex task that demands advanced technology and expertise.
The presentation of packed, sliced meat products plays a crucial role in influencing consumer purchases. Our product presentation is visually appealing, showcasing a wide range of attractive sliced portion shapes, ensuring your products capture attention on crowded supermarket shelves. Our comprehensive range of processing equipment and modular, fully automated slicing and packaging solutions caters to the specific needs of various applications, offering you enhanced overall efficiency and specialized functionality.
Packaging is key to distribution, preservation, and presentation, making your product stand out on the shelf. GEA provides the perfect solution for your vertical and thermoforming packaging challenges.
Full technology provider
GEA offers a comprehensive technology portfolio, covering everything from ingredient processing to marination, from forming to cooking, slicing, and packaging of products for retail, foodservice, and quick-service-restaurant markets.
GEA technology centers
Our network of GEA Technology centers provides support at every stage, offering lab tests, equipment trials, and process optimization. With expertise in food technology and innovative machinery, we help manufacturers achieve consistent quality and profitability.
Sustainable, efficient and hygienic
Complete the form below and speak to one of our packaging experts or order the thermoforming or VFFS sample box.
Wyświetlane elementy: 4 z 16
Jako integratorzy systemów wnosimy naszą wiedzę w zakresie technologii przetwarzania i projektowania instalacji wraz z oprogramowaniem od wiodących na rynku dostawców.
Optymalna eksploatacja nawet najlepszych maszyn czy instalacji jest możliwa tylko wtedy, gdy wyposażone są one w system sterujący równie wysokiej jakości.
Whether you defrost, melt or thaw using a refrigerator, heating your product or add cold water. It is very hard to control the way your product is reacting and you usually need long time frames to do it.
Pulpety, krążki, satay... z urządzeniami do formowania GEA nie ma praktycznie ograniczeń, jeżeli chodzi o możliwe do stworzenia kształty i rozmiary.
Full technology provider
GEA offers a comprehensive technology portfolio, covering everything from ingredient processing to marination, from forming to cooking, slicing, and packaging of products for retail, foodservice, and quick-service-restaurant markets.
100% vegetable burger with GEA ProMix and GEA CutMaster
60 years of Food Processing
After movie customer seminar Craftsmanship & The future of meat
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Zmiany klimatyczne i rosnąca populacja na świecie wywierają coraz większą presję na energochłonny przemysł spożywczy, aby wyżywić więcej ludzi bez dalszego wpływu na planetę. George Shepherd, Globalny Kierownik ds. Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Technicznego w GEA, wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób GEA wykorzystuje swoje inżynieryjne know-how, aby pomagać przetwórcom produkować w sposób bardziej zrównoważony, a jednocześnie zwiększać wydajność.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.