
Refrigeration technology for marine operations

Heating & Refrigeration Technologies - Marine
GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies supplies sustainable marine solutions for the fishing industry, cruise industry, on board refrigerated cargo ships (reefers) or juice carriers, as well as GEA Grasso BOG and LD (boil-off gas and low duty) screw compressors for LNG-fueled vessels, also suitable for gaseous ammonia fuel or other applications e.g. CO₂ capture.

GEA compressors and packages have already fulfilled high maritime demands for many years. With a broad product range of screw compressors, we have the right equipment for nearly all refrigeration, ammonia, CO₂ and LNG applications.

We engineer and supply energy efficient and sustainable solutions for ships where refrigeration is an essential part of the operation.

Our solutions and products focus on ease of use and low maintenance during the complete life cycle, with a low total cost of ownership (TCO).

As no ship type is the same, and space for equipment is often challenging, GEA can provide customized solutions if our standard solutions don't meet the customer's special requirement.

Chłodnictwo w przemyśle morskim

GEA is active in the following marine segments:

  • Fishing Vessels (trawlers, crab catchers, tuna seiners)
  • Reefer Ships
  • Cruise & Ferry
  • Orange juice carriers
  • Conversion and retrofit projects
Trawler „Jupiter”

Coś nowego na bazie czegoś starego: wysokie uzyski dzięki zaawansowanej technologi chłodzenia i zamrażania

Nowy system chłodzenia dla trawlera „Jupiter”


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Ammonia as a future fuel

GEA Insights

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