Komunikaty handlowe

New GEA Upgrade Kit digitizes functionalities of marine separators

17 Nov 2020

GEA automates the functionality of its separators for marine applications with a new Upgrade Kit. For GEA customers this means cost savings, safe operation and an improved CO₂ balance for their plants.

GEA automates the functionality of its separators for marine applications with a new Upgrade Kit. (Photo: GEA)

GEA automates the functionality of its separators for marine applications with a new Upgrade Kit. (Photo: GEA)

The new hardware and software are available as a retrofit solution for OSC, OSD and OSE separators. Currently a large liner shipping company is already retrofitting container ships with the GEA marine Upgrade Kit. GEA also announced that the Upgrade Kit will be optional included in the scope of supply of newly installed GEA marine Separators.

Ideal combination of innovative software and proven separation technology

The new GEA marine Upgrade Kit digitally controls several separation processes in parallel. Five so-called "guards" monitor and control important functionalities.

FuelGuard - automated way to reduce fuel loss

Fuel is a critical cost factor in shipping. The FuelGuard reduces fuel loss during separator bowl emptying by precise, volume-based and fully automatic dosing of displacement water. Only a sensor and integrated software are required. The amount of fuel saved, calculated on a fleet of 50 container ships, is impressive. Saved 686 tons is not only a large number, but also represents a significant reduction in operating costs.

BowlGuard - a smart solution to reduce disposal costs

The BowlGuard optimizes separator bowl ejection. The sludge volume is reduced by up to 50 percent, disposal costs are minimized. The challenge is solved by actively controlling the ejection interval depending on the bowl volume. The technical prerequisite for this solution is an activated FuelGuard package.

FlowGuard - Fuel processing on demand

Many separators run at full capacity, even though the actual consumption of the running ship engine varies depending on the operation mode. The FlowGuard software adjusts the flow rate of the separator to the needs of the ship's engines. This means that only as much fuel is processed as is actually required by the ship's engines. This ensures very efficient separation, saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions. In addition to the FlowGuard software, only a frequency-controlled feed pump is required. The saving of CO2 emissions is great (calculated again on 50 container ships): 910 tons less CO2 emissions are emitted into the atmosphere.

CatfineGuard - finest fuel at the push of a button

Cat fines (catalytic fines) are hard aluminum and silicon oxide particles. With the help of the CatfineGuard, these tiny particles with a size down to three µm are filtered out. This is done by hot separation at temperatures of up to 110 degrees Celsius or by reducing the flow rate of ultra-low sulphur fuel oil. This solution requires a frequency-controlled feed pump and, if necessary, heat-resistant seals for hot separation.

EffiClean - best CIP cleaning

The manual cleaning of the disc packs of mineral oil separators used to be a laborious, time-consuming and also dirty affair. Dismantling is also often necessary. With EffiClean, separator disks can be cleaned in only 20 minutes - instead of the usual eight hours - depending on the degree of contamination. The system consists of a cleaning unit and a highly effective yet environmentally friendly cleaning agent. The cleaning process can be performed directly at the machine. It is no longer necessary to disassemble the bowl. The amount of work is reduced by up to 95 percent compared to manual cleaning. With a minimal footprint, the mobile unit fits into even the smallest of spaces and the robust stainless-steel construction can withstand the demanding conditions on board.

Further guards for even more customer benefits

GEA, the company announced, will continue to work systematically on the development of digital functionalities for its separators. The GEA marine Upgrade Kit with software and technology can be retrofitted. Thus, the development and implementation of further guards is already being worked on.

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

Ta międzynarodowa grupa technologiczna specjalizuje się w produkcji maszyn, instalacji oraz technologii i komponentów procesowych. GEA dostarcza zrównoważone rozwiązania energetyczne na potrzeby skomplikowanych procesów produkcji na różnych rynkach użytkownika końcowego oraz oferuje wszechstronne portfolio usług. Około 70 procent przychodów grupy pochodzi z sektora żywności oraz napojów i alkoholi, w którym obserwowany jest długoterminowy i zrównoważony wzrost. Zgodnie ze stanem na 31 grudnia 2018 roku firma zatrudnia na całym świecie około 18 500 osób. GEA jest liderem rynkowym i technologicznym w segmentach biznesowych, w których prowadzi działalność. Spółka jest notowana na niemieckim indeksie MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), indeksie STOXX® Europe 600 Index oraz wybranych indeksach MSCI Global Sustainability. Więcej informacji można uzyskać w witrynie gea.com.
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