Komunikaty handlowe

Digital process automation: GEA’s new-generation valve control tops enhance operational safety

01 Sep 2021

Designed for the vast majority of applications in hygienic processes without exceptional connectivity or feedback requirements: GEA T.VIS® M-20 control top.

Designed for the vast majority of applications in hygienic processes without exceptional connectivity or feedback requirements: GEA T.VIS® M-20 control top.

GEA T.VIS® M-20 control top: Two feedbacks and up to three pilot valves are available for pneumatic control of the valve actuator as well as for safe control and monitoring functions. Connectivity with the plant control system is carried out using conventional AS-Interface 3.0 and 24VDC communication.

GEA T.VIS® M-20 control top: Two feedbacks and up to three pilot valves are available for pneumatic control of the valve actuator as well as for safe control and monitoring functions. Connectivity with the plant control system is carried out using conventional AS-Interface 3.0 and 24VDC communication.


Fanny Förster

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


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