Komunikaty handlowe

GEA develops technological solution with customer saperatec for raw material recovery from composite materials and beverage cartons

21 Mar 2022

Composite packaging waste and used beverage cartons contain valuable raw materials. Conserving these worldwide and reprocessing them again and again is an elementary prerequisite for sustainable environmental and climate protection. GEA supports its customer, saperatec, on the path of "recurring reuse" of raw materials by providing technologies for an innovative mechanical recycling process.

GEA develops technological solution with customer saperatec for raw material recovery from composite materials and beverage cartons

In this process, multilayer composite materials made of plastic, aluminum and paper are treated in a special separation process. The process will be used at the new saperatec site in Dessau-Roßlau in Saxony-Anhalt. From 2023, up to 18,000 tons of packaging waste will be processed there every year.

Recycled material - regranulate - "fresh foils"

Saperatec uses a separating liquid to delaminate and dissolve into the respective components. The different layers are thereby separated from each other and sorted by material in further process steps. The separated plastic (for example polyethylene) is then processed into a regranulate using established processes. This can be used to produce plastic film again. The separated aluminum foil is passed on by saperatec to aluminum producers and refiners for reuse.

GEA Test Center as the key to success

GEA developed the separation and washing process in partnership with saperatec at the in-house GEA Separation Test Center in Oelde. The aim here was to back up the project with facts and figures and to evaluate the process for sedimentation centrifuge technology. The target-oriented laboratory-scale trials thus turned into pilot trials, which served as a process guarantee for the defined production scale with a GEA dryMaster CF decanter and a directly driven TSI 200 disk separator.

GEA technologies put through their paces in the in-house test center

GEA relied on proven technologies - such as the GEA dryMaster clarifier for maximum efficiency. This flat-bed decanter centrifuge was developed for separation and dewatering in inorganic processes. The solid bowl has a cylindrical section for efficient clarification of the liquid and a conical section for drying the solids. Due to the high bowl speed, the solids settle on the inner wall of the bowl and are transported to the solids discharge by the built-in screw conveyor. In the decanter types of the GEA dryMaster series, the clarified liquid is discharged freely into a collecting vessel and flows off by gravity. To ensure maximum efficiency at all times under fluctuating process conditions, the GEA dryMaster is equipped with the GEA summationdrive.

GEA customer saperatec uses the GEA dryMaster decanter in its raw material recovery process. (Photo: GEA)

GEA customer saperatec uses the GEA dryMaster decanter in its raw material recovery process. (Photo: GEA)

The TSI 200 disk separator with patented GEA hydrostop discharge system

The TSI 200 disk separator is equipped with the patented GEA hydrostop discharge system, which is capable of periodically discharging the separated solids at full speed. This patented discharge system increases the yield to a maximum. With short opening times, the solids are discharged in compacted form. The GEA hydrostop system reduces the actual discharge time to less than a tenth of a second. This ensures that even small volumes are emptied reproducibly with an error rate of less than ten percent. This innovative technology enables precise, fast discharges and thus significantly higher and qualitatively better yields.

The GEA TSI-200 is also used at saperatec. (Photo: GEA)

The GEA TSI-200 is also used at saperatec. (Photo: GEA)

GEA disk separators with integrated directdrive

GEA disk separators are available with different drive types: gear drive, belt drive, directdrive and integrated directdrive. The integrated direct drive represents the latest stage in the separator development process. It operates without motor shaft, gearbox, belt, coupling and motor bearings. The small number of installed components not only reduces energy losses, but also maintenance costs, and increases machine availability. The space requirement of the integrated direct drive is about one third less than for comparable machines with gearbox or flat belt drive.

GEA disk separators with integrated direct drive can be operated very flexibly. Within a certain range, the bowl speed is infinitely variable via frequency converter. In addition, the maintenance itself can be significantly simplified.


About saperatec
saperatec develops wet-mechanical recycling processes for thin-layer composite materials made of plastic, metal, paper and glass. At its site in Dessau in Saxony-Anhalt, the company is building its first recycling plant for composite packaging made of plastic, aluminum and paper. From 2023, around 18,000 metric tons of packaging waste will then be processed there annually to produce high-quality recycled plastics and aluminum. With currently around 15 employees, saperatec wants to make an important contribution to the sustainability of high-performance composite materials.


Dr. Michael Golek

Phone: 49 211 9136 1505

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

Ta międzynarodowa grupa technologiczna specjalizuje się w produkcji maszyn, instalacji oraz technologii i komponentów procesowych. GEA dostarcza zrównoważone rozwiązania energetyczne na potrzeby skomplikowanych procesów produkcji na różnych rynkach użytkownika końcowego oraz oferuje wszechstronne portfolio usług. Około 70 procent przychodów grupy pochodzi z sektora żywności oraz napojów i alkoholi, w którym obserwowany jest długoterminowy i zrównoważony wzrost. Zgodnie ze stanem na 31 grudnia 2018 roku firma zatrudnia na całym świecie około 18 500 osób. GEA jest liderem rynkowym i technologicznym w segmentach biznesowych, w których prowadzi działalność. Spółka jest notowana na niemieckim indeksie MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), indeksie STOXX® Europe 600 Index oraz wybranych indeksach MSCI Global Sustainability. Więcej informacji można uzyskać w witrynie gea.com.
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