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UltraClean process lines: Leakage valve from GEA boosts safety of ESL production

28 Feb 2022

UltraClean process lines — Leakage valve from GEA boosts safety of ESL production
The leakage valve is available in the upright “LV” version for typical valve matrices (left) and in the “LVBS” version (right) for tank bottoms. The latter is typically used for tank installations and can also be connected to a pigging station for resource-saving product recovery systems. Images: GEA

The leakage valve is available in the upright “LV” version for typical valve matrices (left) and in the “LVBS” version (right) for tank bottoms. The latter is typically used for tank installations and can also be connected to a pigging station for resource-saving product recovery systems. Images: GEA


Fanny Förster

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


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