Trade press release

GEA redesigns wort boiling saving up to 60% energy

28 Nov 2023

Image 1: Comparison of GEA QBOIL with classic atmospheric boiling

Tests on a small-scale pilot plant with a brew size of 5 hectoliters have shown that the thermal load on the wort (TBI), the total evaporation rate and the energy consumption are significantly lower with GEA QBOIL. The concentration of free DMS increased slightly, but remained below the limit value and the taste threshold value of <100 µg/l. The coagulable nitrogen in the final wort also increased. Source: GEA


Fanny Förster


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

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