Trade press release

GEA's new lauter tun generation yields 20% more wort in the brewhouse

November 22, 2024

Lautering separates the solid components of the mash, the grains, from the dissolved substances of the malt kernel. Lauter tuns (here at Bushmills’ new Causeway Distillery, Northern Ireland) are considered bottlenecks for brewing productivity. GEA's latest lautering technology, GEA LAUTERSTAR 2.0, increases lautering quality and significantly reduces processing time. Source: GEA

Lautering separates the solid components of the mash, the grains, from the dissolved substances of the malt kernel. Lauter tuns (here at Bushmills’ new Causeway Distillery, Northern Ireland) are considered bottlenecks for brewing productivity. GEA's latest lautering technology, GEA LAUTERSTAR 2.0, increases lautering quality and significantly reduces processing time. Source: GEA

A crucial element of the LAUTERSTAR 2.0 is the raking machine, equipped with double-shoe knives that ensure low resistance in the grain bed and prevent channel formation caused by compactions. Source: GEA

A crucial element of the LAUTERSTAR 2.0 is the raking machine, equipped with double-shoe knives that ensure low resistance in the grain bed and prevent channel formation caused by compactions. Source: GEA

For the ideal run-off geometry, GEA experts have fine-tuned the distance between the false bottom and the lauter tun bottom. The raking machine of the LAUTERSTAR 2.0 is lowered later to loosen the grain bed. This extends the vitality of the grain bed and avoids clogging and thus wort losses. Customer tests showed extract yields of up to 98.7 percent. Source: GEA

For the ideal run-off geometry, GEA experts have fine-tuned the distance between the false bottom and the lauter tun bottom. The raking machine of the LAUTERSTAR 2.0 is lowered later to loosen the grain bed. This extends the vitality of the grain bed and avoids clogging and thus wort losses. Customer tests showed extract yields of up to 98.7 percent. Source: GEA

Fanny Foerster



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