A new and improved lecithin adding unit
GEA Lecithin Adding Unit 2.0 is a cost-effective, easy-to-install solution for ready mixed lecithin and concentrated lecithin, with a thoughtful, hygienic design for maximum safety and easy maintenance.
We created the technology to add lecithin more than 50 years ago and made a whole new process for a new product type possible. But now it’s time for another significant improvement in the world of spray drying. The Lecithin Adding Unit has been carefully designed to meet the highest standards for dairy powders, including whole milk powders and WPC (whey protein concentrate). The functional design offers easy access to all components, and it’s simple to disassemble all the parts, including pipes. Hygiene is prioritized with open profiles, open cable trays and cabinets with an angled roof. Importantly, the new system can be cleaned with vegetable oil, thereby avoiding the use of water and cleaning agents, and so eliminating microbiological risks.
We not only found ways to achieve a more reliable, cleaner and smarter lecithination process. We designed an off-the-peg unit, minimized setup costs and installation time, and we reduced your running costs by making it a breeze to clean and maintain. In other words, we minimized downtime to maximize your payback.
The Lecithin Adding Unit is compatible with all spray drying plants running with a powder capacity from 1000 – 15000 kg/h. It can easily be a retrofit on existing plants or it can be installed on new plants.
GEA Lecithin Adding Unit 2.0 comes in two versions. The one-tank system is configured for “Ready mixed lecithin”, whereas the two-tank system is made for “Concentrated lecithin”, where the lecithin is mixed with vegetable oil.
Improving Cold-Water solubility of whole milk powder
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Konwencjonalna suszarka rozpyłowa zamienia ciecz w proszek w bardzo skuteczny sposób. Jest stosowana w branżach tak różnorodnych jak przemysł mleczarski, spożywczy czy chemiczny, w których zdobyła uznanie ze względu na swoją wydajność.
Suszarka COMPACT DRYER jest doskonałym wyborem do produkcji serwatki w proszku lub mleka w zwartym proszku.
Suszarka rozpyłowa FILTERMAT® skutecznie i delikatnie przekształca wrażliwe na ciepło i trudne do wysuszenia produkty w sypkie, aglomerowane proszki.