DigiTron offers you automated milking processes in connection with milk measurement: Select the procedure that aligns with your individual milking routine.
As precise as Metatron MB
Get thorough and extensive information on milk flow rate and milk yield for every cow. Use the detailed measurement results as a cornerstone for meticulous animal health management.
VisoFlow, extremely reliable
Focus on the essentials. The sensor keeps track of milk flow for you and takes over managing removal at exactly the right time!
DigiTron’s robust hardware is designed for a long service life, quick installation and configuration. The functions are quickly mastered and easily taught. Your milking team can concentrate undistracted on the milking routine assuring a gentle start to the milking process. Achieving your dairy farming goals has never been easier for you and your staff!
“You immediately see what’s happening, which helps you make fewer mistakes with the cows!”
Teun Hanenberg - Hanenberg-Vogels V.O.F, Oss, Netherlands