Our Company

About us

GEA is one of the world’s largest systems suppliers for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. Our portfolio includes machinery and plants as well as advanced process technology, components and comprehensive services. Used across diverse industries, they enhance the sustainability and efficiency of production processes globally.

About us
Company overview image

About Us

GEA company presentation

Brochure cover

About Us

GEA company brochure

GEA at a glance

Every 4th package of spaghetti is processed with GEA technology

World’s largest cultivated meat production plant for production of chicken meat

Every 3rd chicken nugget is produced using GEA technology

Every 2nd liter of beer is brewed with the aid of systems and process solutions from GEA

One quarter of processed milk comes from GEA production systems

Every 3rd process line for instant coffee was installed by GEA

Every 4th liter of human blood for making plasma-derived products is processed using GEA equipment

Every 2nd pharma separator is made by GEA

Every 2nd tablet to treat cancer is made on GEA equipment

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