"A mais alta qualidade só é possível com o melhor"
With 45 hygienic production lines and best-equipped product test laboratories Sapro, Turkey, is one the leading producer of wet wipes and cosmetic articles in the world.  Image: Sapro

With 45 hygienic production lines and best-equipped product test laboratories Sapro, Turkey, is one the leading producer of wet wipes and cosmetic articles in the world. Image: Sapro

Sapro is producing about three billion wet wipes per month, sold as commercial and own label brands  Image: Sapro

Sapro is producing about three billion wet wipes per month, sold as commercial and own label brands Image: Sapro

The orbital tank washer Typhoon is liquid driven and can be used for mobile or stationary applications. The round jet nozzles rotate in two planes and produce focused high impact jets generating a highly efficient 3D wash pattern. Image: GEA

The orbital tank washer Typhoon is liquid driven and can be used for mobile or stationary applications. The round jet nozzles rotate in two planes and produce focused high impact jets generating a highly efficient 3D wash pattern. Image: GEA

Thanks to the GEA Typhoons, we’ve cut cleaning time by 90 percent while also consuming 90 percent less water and detergent. Instead of 25 minutes, we now only need two minutes for cleaning.”

Atila Kalemci

Automation & Project Manager (Sapro)

Sapro Group, Headquarter Istanbul, Turkey

About Sapro

Campeões ocultos para segurança

Hidden champions for safety

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