Snack Pellets

Unlock the limitless potential of snack pellets with GEA. With our cutting-edge technology and dedication to excellence, you can create unique and irresistible extruded snack pellets products ensuring quality and taste, winning the hearts of consumers worldwide.


2D Pellets


3D Pellets

square shapes

Square Shapes

Cereais matinais
Extrusoras GEA xTru Twin
Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Expandidos diretamente - Sticks de Farelo

Pellets de Salgadinhos - Multicamadas

Multicamadas de chocolate

GEA Advanced Extrusion Technology

Customer story

OBST AND GEA PAVAN: a long-lasting collaboration in breakfast cereals processing. Discover how to turn habits into a big aopportunity with GEA.

Pellets de Salgadinhos - Multicamadas

Multicamadas de chocolate

Especialista da GEA

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Die-Cut Chips

laminated potato chips

Laminated Potato Chips

punched pellets

Punched Pellets

zoomed pellets
Different types of Cinderella's Slippers

More than a fairy story. GEA develops a new snack format: Cinderella’s Slipper.


Get the GEA Snack Pellet Processing brochure.

Enhance your snack production capabilities. Get our comprehensive brochure on snack pellet processing and discover all the technical details about GEA technologies for pellets production.


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Crafting the crunch

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Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

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