Reefer ships
To ensure cargo arrives in the best possible condition, GEA has created a new refrigeration technology specially designed for reefer vessels to save costs and work on an improved carbon footprint. GEA invented a revolutionary air distribution system that no longer requires traditional and expensive grating floors. By placing special coolers on one side of the cargo, cooled air is now better circulated through the cargo improving the preservability of goods and using less energy in the cooling process.
To ensure that your goods arrive in the best possible condition, we have created the perfect solution for your reefer ship cargo. With conventional reefer ships, air is distributed into the cargo holds via standard wooden or aluminum- grated floors. GEA, however, has invented an alternative air distribution system that no longer requires grated floors.
Special coolers are positioned on one side of the cargo. At the bottom of each cooler, small openings distribute cool air into the cooling holds. Cargo can be positioned on existing pallets without any adaptions to the existing floor.
The advantages of this system:
Are you searching for sustainable solutions? GEA addresses the high demand for carbon-footprint-reducing solutions by helping customers phase out synthetic refrigerants and replace them with natural ones, like Ammonia and CO2.
Using natural refrigerants will reduce both your power consumption as well as your carbon footprint. In addition, we offer heat recovery solutions that both lower energy consumption and help the environment.
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Cada planta ou máquina, projetada para uma operação confiável a longo prazo, requer uma unidade de controle que permita a comunicação entre as diferentes partes do sistema. É um dos componentes mais importantes que garante uma operação confiável e eficiente.
Screw compressors for the industrial refrigeration and air conditioning. We place particular value on energy efficiency, reliability, cost efficiency and sustainability.
Os compressores para gás da GEA são componentes essenciais do sistema em operações de extração e processamento de petróleo e gás, em hidrelétricas com turbinas a gás, plantas de processamento químico e em várias outras indústrias.
Now available for Vi control, condition monitoring and more for GEA Grasso screw compressors
Outras aplicações
O processo inovador da GEA representa um marco no pré-tratamento de biocombustíveis, como óleo vegetal hidrotratado e combustível de aviação sustentável. Eliminando o processo de clareamento, os fabricantes se beneficiam de um potencial de economia significativo: custos operacionais mais de 50% menores e até 12% menos emissões de CO2.
El cambio climático y el aumento de la población mundial ejercen una presión cada vez mayor sobre la industria alimentaria, que consume mucha energía, para alimentar a más personas sin afectar aún más al planeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explica cómo GEA utiliza sus conocimientos de ingeniería para ayudar a los procesadores a producir de forma más sostenible y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad.