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GEA celebrates craft brewing culture in the Mile High City: CBC 2019

08 Apr 2019

Denver is hosting the year's CBC. Image: Brewers Association

Denver was ranked as one of “America’s best cities for beer and brewery tours” by TripAdvisor in 2018. The Craft Brewers Conference is the largest craft beer gathering in the U.S., and the state’s capital is the perfect place for a week of brewing-industry celebrations. The organizers are once again expecting a good crowd with more than 13,000 attendees, 1,000 exhibitors and 80 seminars. Image: Brewers Association

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Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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A GEA é uma das maiores fornecedoras para a indústria de processamento de alimentos e para uma ampla variedade de outras indústrias que geraram receitas consolidadas de aproximadamente EUR 4,9 bilhões em 2019.

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