Media center
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GEA new food experts on their visit to food tech company Solar Foods in Helsinki. The inspirational interview explains how alternative proteins are changing the face and future of food.
GEA presented its report "New Food Frontiers: Realizing the promise of alternative proteins”. The event gave a deep dive into the world of alternative proteins.
GEA interviewed 1,000 chefs in eleven countries to get their thoughts on new food. They were asked to provide insight into their expectations for the development of the New Food Market and to indicate the extent to which they already work with alternative protein or have an interest in.
Introduction to the world of alternative proteins and GEA's future-oriented solutions.
GEAs brand story „The story of better“ is part of the brand identity and illustrates the corporate purpose "Engineering for a better world".
GEA technologies ensure the production across many industries. Our state of the art product portfolio and dedicated employees improve the sustainability and efficiency of production processes globally. GEA is engineering for a better world.
Vacas saudáveis e satisfeitas são a chave para uma produção de leite bem-sucedida e sustentável. Portanto, manter a saúde das vacas é o ponto central do trabalho de todo produtor de leite. Muitos fatores influenciam o bem-estar...
As indústrias em geral estão trabalhando arduamente para atingir as metas de net-zero enquanto navegam por exigentes regulamentações e legislações sobre descarbonização. Ao mesmo tempo, as empresas precisam equilibrar as crescentes...
Café, cacau, leite, carne, peixe e ovos - esses produtos básicos do cotidiano dependem grandemente da agricultura intensiva. Com o surgimento de novas tecnologias de alimentos, temos alternativas mais sustentáveis. Nós nos reunimos...