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Low environmental impact coupled with a clever use of energy: GEA supplies Licharz with modern solution for exhaust air purification

07 Sep 2020

With the delivery of a state-of-the-art and individually adapted wet scrubber plant, GEA supports its customer Licharz, a specialized manufacturer of semi-finished engineering plastics, in its goal to reduce environmental impact.

Licharz is a specialized manufacturer of semi-finished engineering plastics. (Photo: Licharz)

Licharz is a specialized manufacturer of semi-finished engineering plastics. (Photo: Licharz)

GEA supplied its customer Licharz with a new wet scrubber system. (Photo: GEA)

GEA supplied its customer Licharz with a new wet scrubber system. (Photo: GEA)

The new exhaust air treatment system is adapted to the specific high environmental requirements at the Buchholz site in Germany. With GEA and Licharz, two competent partners have proverbially sought and found each other for this project. GEA has been successfully developing solutions for the prevention and reduction of air pollution for over 100 years. The aim is to control emissions and improve air quality worldwide. In addition to emission control solutions for large, multi-polluting industries such as steel and iron, non-ferrous metals, cement and glass, GEA supports the chemical industry in finding individual solutions to reduce air pollution.

The wet scrubbing plant that has now been put into operation washes the caprolactam mist that is produced during the manufacture of semi-finished products and technical components from polyamides. Engineering plastics made of polyamide (PA) are innovative substitutes for metals because they are wear-resistant, have a low coefficient of friction and are easy to machine. They are therefore an ideal base material for various components in in mechanical and plant engineering.

To balance efficient production, use of energy and environmental protection, GEA recommended Licharz a Zero Liquid Discharge solution. This solution treats the scrubber water and recovers the caprolactam by thermal concentration. The heating medium for the evaporation plant uses existing heat from the thermal oil system of the production plant.

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0

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A GEA é uma das maiores fornecedoras para a indústria de processamento de alimentos e para uma ampla variedade de outras indústrias que geraram receitas consolidadas de aproximadamente EUR 4,9 bilhões em 2019.

O grupo internacional de tecnologia é especializado em maquinaria e plantas, além de tecnologia e componentes para processamentos. A GEA fornece soluções de energia sustentável para processos de produção sofisticados em diversos mercados de usuários finais e oferece um portfólio abrangente de serviços. O grupo gera cerca de 70% da sua receita no setor de alimentos e bebidas, que desfruta de um crescimento sustentável a longo prazo. Desde 31 de dezembro de 2018, a empresa empregou mais de 18.500 pessoas em todo o mundo. A GEA é líder de mercado e tecnologia em suas áreas de negócios. A empresa está listada na bolsa alemã MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), no Índice STOXX® Europe 600 e nos Índices selecionados de Sustentabilidade Global MSCI. Maiores informações disponíveis na Internet em Se você não quiser mais receber informações da GEA, por favor envie um e-mail para
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