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GEA unlocks new opportunities for customers with digital solutions

10 May 2022

At this year's IFFA in Frankfurt (Germany), GEA will be presenting its new digital solutions. These digital tools will be on display at GEA’s booth on a 24-meter-long production line for sliced meat including new packaging technology. Highlights include a user-oriented control interface for lines (GEA SmartControl HMI), a tool for remote monitoring of machine condition (GEA PerfomancePlus) and a digital line control platform (GEA LineControl), which automatizes production processes.

Multi-touch widescreen display of the new GEA SmartControl HMI. A user-oriented development approach has made it possible to increase process transparency and process reliability in particular.  (Source GEA)

Multi-touch widescreen display of the new GEA SmartControl HMI. A user-oriented development approach has made it possible to increase process transparency and process reliability in particular. (Source GEA)

Through the steady expansion and ongoing development of modular, digital tools, the internationally operating company accompanies customers on the path to digital transformation. GEA’s digital products and services are designed to increase the availability of its machines and units and, in turn, the productivity of its customers. This creates large-scale efficiency and thus competitive advantages for food processing companies.

The new GEA SmartControl HMI

GEA SmartControl HMI (Human-Machine Interface) is a newly developed user interface for food processing and packaging units. GEA’s user-centric development approach keeps the focus on the individually operating users of the production facilities. This included mapping the needs of the individual user groups and taking them into account accordingly.

Its smart functions for line integration offer immediate added value for line applications, so they can be used immediately and without further configuration. GEA SmartControl HMI enables more than just integration with GEA equipment – it also provides access to third-party user interfaces. The new GEA SmartControl HMI platform delivers unprecedented levels of transparency over current and historical process data and events. The highly modular and hygienic hardware design of the multi-touch display allows for ergonomic operation that meets even the most complex user requirements.

Multi-touch widescreen display of the new GEA SmartControl HMI. (Source GEA)

Multi-touch widescreen display of the new GEA SmartControl HMI. (Source GEA)

GEA PerformancePlus: digital service product predicts the future

GEA PerformancePlus offers customers service packages that deliver so much more than classic remedial maintenance and are an ideal complement to an Industry 4.0 strategy. It covers the issues of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Customers can choose from a range of services tailored to their needs. For example, based on data from online condition monitoring and expert knowledge, critical assemblies are monitored and they can be replaced before a fault occurs. Error messages are recorded on the units, analyzed and prioritized and sent to the customer in a report. Unit process parameters can be made directly available to the customer’s control systems.

This gives customers valuable information for decisions on how to use their units more cost-effectively – even if unforeseen circumstances arise. The concept creates transparency about the actual condition of the units, identifies potential for increasing availability, as well as boosting productivity and reducing losses, all of which increase profitability. This efficiency optimization facilitates the sustainable management of the respective packaging line.

GEA LineControl

This control system seamlessly monitors the performance and condition of the production line in general and each individual machine in the line network in detail in real time. In the work with customers, GEA emphasized easy operation of the control system, which automates processes and procedures for the entire line. This increases safety while reducing downtime, rework, and wasted energy and resources. All of this ultimately allows food manufacturers to operate more efficiently and deliver higher quality products. This digital solution alerts users when the line needs maintenance, service or repair, and uses data to inform them how to extend the equipment’s life and increase productivity.

At IFFA, GEA is showcasing top digital performance — including a fully automated slicing and packaging line for calibrated products that uses recyclable mono-material film. The line boasts a wide range of innovations. (Source GEA)

At IFFA, GEA is showcasing top digital performance — including a fully automated slicing and packaging line for calibrated products that uses recyclable mono-material film. The line boasts a wide range of innovations. (Source GEA)

Nicole Meierotto


Phone: 49 211 9136 1503

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

About GEA

A GEA é uma das maiores fornecedoras para a indústria de processamento de alimentos e para uma ampla variedade de outras indústrias que geraram receitas consolidadas de aproximadamente EUR 4,9 bilhões em 2019.

O grupo internacional de tecnologia é especializado em maquinaria e plantas, além de tecnologia e componentes para processamentos. A GEA fornece soluções de energia sustentável para processos de produção sofisticados em diversos mercados de usuários finais e oferece um portfólio abrangente de serviços. O grupo gera cerca de 70% da sua receita no setor de alimentos e bebidas, que desfruta de um crescimento sustentável a longo prazo. Desde 31 de dezembro de 2018, a empresa empregou mais de 18.500 pessoas em todo o mundo. A GEA é líder de mercado e tecnologia em suas áreas de negócios. A empresa está listada na bolsa alemã MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), no Índice STOXX® Europe 600 e nos Índices selecionados de Sustentabilidade Global MSCI. Maiores informações disponíveis na Internet em Se você não quiser mais receber informações da GEA, por favor envie um e-mail para
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