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DLG test confirms: GEA milking robot is significantly more economical

17 Mar 2023

Image 1: GEA DairyRobot R9500 – new generation

GEA DairyRobot R9500 – new generation

Image 2: Two GEA DairyRobot R9500 including a supply unit (center of picture) on the DLG test stand

Two GEA DairyRobot R9500 including a supply unit (center of picture) on the DLG test stand

Image 3: The DLG records different measured values during the tests

The DLG records different measured values during the tests


Lilian Schmalenstroer

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A GEA é uma das maiores fornecedoras para a indústria de processamento de alimentos e para uma ampla variedade de outras indústrias que geraram receitas consolidadas de aproximadamente EUR 4,9 bilhões em 2019.

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