NOx emission reduction
GEA bilgEGR Solution is a combined Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and oily bilge water system designed to treat water on board ships. After treatment, the purified water can be discharged into the sea.
When implementing Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) technology in marine engines, it is necessary to consider the treatment of EGR wash water before its discharge into the sea.
During the EGR process, the recirculated exhaust gas come into contact with contaminants such as soot, sulfur compounds, and acidic components. As a result, the wash water generated from cleaning the EGR system can contain pollutants that need to be treated to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
The GEA bilgEGR Solution is a system designed for both bilge water treatment and EGR wash water purification. GEA bilgEGR Solution is a practical installation for minimizing the equipment and installation costs associated with the discharge of EGR wash water and bilge water on board. This is achieved through proper design and control of the combined system.
Keep your equipment fit with GEA Service
The GEA marine Separator
GEA NOx Separator with integrated direct drive is specially configured for the water treatment in Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on board marine vessels. After treatment, the purified water can be discharged into the sea.
Marine separators specialize in the purification of fuel and lube oil as well as bilge and EGR water treatment on board ships.
Projetado para ajustar diferentes processos de separação automaticamente, o Kit de upgrade GEA marine compreende software e um sofisticado kit de hardware fácil de instalar. Melhorando consideravelmente a funcionalidade de nossos separadores centrífugos marítimos, torna-os mais eficientes e ambientalmente amigável.
GEA biofuel Separators are tailored to the specific characteristics of biofuels, efficiently separating water and contaminants to meet the stringent requirements of the industry.
"Pushing the limits" with the new GEA marine Separator
Cada quatro pacotes de espaguete, cada dois litros de cerveja e um quarto de todo o leite processado no mundo depende do maquinário da GEA. Quando as linhas de produção precisam de atenção, os Serviços GEA entram em ação para...
A unidade da GEA em Koszalin, Polônia, se afirma como uma referência na produção de bombas higiênicas. A unidade multifuncional combina décadas de experiência em engenharia alemã com digitalização avançada e soluções dimensionáveis....