Lyophilization Technology

LYOVAC® Pharma Freeze Dryer

GEA’s LYOVAC® industrial-scale freeze dryers are built to customer specifications and are available with production areas of 1–60 m² and condenser capacities of more than 1000 kg.

The LYOVAC® production-scale freeze dryer is a best-in-class solution for the pharmaceutical industry. In close collaboration with our customers, we design, build and customize them according to specific requirements.

LYOVAC®  freeze dryers and their peripherical equipment can be arranged either on one or multiple floors. The condenser can be situated next to the drying chamber or directly underneath it. Either way, it ensures both easy access to the machine parts and complete separation between the cleanroom and the technical area.

A unique feature is the high quality of the in-house manufactured shelves. This is the heart of the machine and ensures an optimal temperature distribution, unform result and, consequently, the essential final product quality.

Several features of the LYOVAC® (see below) support the fastest processing times in the industry, offering increased productivity and commercial benefits.

The LYOVAC® range is also available using GEA’s unique Fast Track manufacturing process. Depending on the complexity of the installation and based on previously completed projects, it’s possible to have a system up and running in less than a year.

Key features


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