Flexible Bag Closers
The USC-300 static sealer closer is designed to enable manual sealing and closing of pre-glued fold-top bags in low volume production plants.
USC-300 Operator Controls
The GEA ultrasealer closer (USC-300) is a compact sealing and closing system for use with step-top multi-wall Kraft bags that have a polyethylene (PE) inner bag. For bags without an inner liner, the USC-300 can be used as a bag/sack top fold/closing system,making it versatile flexible solution for most customers’ needs.
This sealer/closer is designed for static operation where the bag rests on a roller conveyor or platform where the operator can manually control the bag throughout the handling and closing process.
Bags are manually presented to the sealer for semi-automatic sealing and closing operation using either a foot-switch or push-button control. Solid state control provides a reliable but flexible operation to suit a wide range of bag types. Temperature control is provided for both inner liner seal and to reactivate the pre-applied glue strip. Height adjustment is provided to ensure safe operation and to match existing bag handling equipment.
Sealer Closer - USC-300
Cada quatro pacotes de espaguete, cada dois litros de cerveja e um quarto de todo o leite processado no mundo depende do maquinário da GEA. Quando as linhas de produção precisam de atenção, os Serviços GEA entram em ação para...
A unidade da GEA em Koszalin, Polônia, se afirma como uma referência na produção de bombas higiênicas. A unidade multifuncional combina décadas de experiência em engenharia alemã com digitalização avançada e soluções dimensionáveis....