Machine exclusively designed to form tortellini.

GEA FreshPasta Former 1 T540

GEA FreshPasta Former 1 T540 receives the sheet from the previous machine, reducing the thickness to the desired size. The mold cuts the sheet with the chosen shape and the filling is dosed for every cut. A system of knurling rollers and forks will close the product according to the desired shape. 

A scrap cutter system cuts the sheet resulting from the forming phase in small pieces and it takes them out. 

The GEA FreshPasta Former 1 T540 features a double calibrating group and a second one is equipped with central control of the thickness and a screw pump is mounted on board. The tortellini mould is integrated within the machine.

Made in stainless steel, thanks to cam moving groups protected by a stainless steel box, the mould is easily washed. In addition, this enables the machine to achieve high forming speed, more forming speed and less scrapes. 

Moreover, the scrape cutter is placed on an extractable carriage in order to facilitate the washing process.

Machine performance 

  • Sheet width: 540 mm;
  • Final product thickness: 0.8-1.3 mm

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