Fishing vessels
The high standard in refrigeration technology.
Fish consumption is increasing worldwide and the increase in consumer requirements keeps pace with this development.
More demands on quantity and quality determine the face of present-day sea fishing. The fish processing business revolves mostly around keeping the quick-cool and quick-freeze times to a minimum.
This begins on board the ships directly after the fish are caught. Advanced, robust and reliable systems are required to achieve such goals.
GEA Marine Refrigeration Solutions designs and delivers tailor made refrigeration systems that satisfy the high standards of efficiency and ease of use.
We serve the following types of vessels in the fishing industry:
The consumption quality of fish is determined by the way in which the catch is handled in the first hours on board the fishing vessel.
The optimum quality of freshly caught fish can only be preserved through quick, controlled, and hygienic refrigeration and freezing of the fish. This calls for powerful, reliable refrigeration systems.
Whatever your requirement, GEA Marine supplies complete solutions in various subsystems:
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