Trade press release

Dairy SalzburgMilch saves 1.26 million liters of water using GEA technology

December 17, 2024

Franz Gründl, Head of Innovation Management at SalzburgMilch (left), Alexander Niedermüller, Head of Maintenance at SalzburgMilch (centre) and project manager Thomas Karl, Sales Engineer at GEA. Source: GEA

Franz Gründl, Head of Innovation Management at SalzburgMilch (left), Alexander Niedermüller, Head of Maintenance at SalzburgMilch (centre) and project manager Thomas Karl, Sales Engineer at GEA. Source: GEA

The first GEA Centrifuge Water Saving Unit was tested at SalzburgMilch on a KSI 25 separator. Source: GEA

The GEA Centrifuge Water Saving Unit saves an estimated 1,260,000 litres of water per installation on the separator at SalzburgMilch. Source: GEA

The GEA Centrifuge Water Saving Unit saves an estimated 1,260,000 litres of water per installation on the separator at SalzburgMilch. Source: GEA

Lilian Schmalenstroer


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