Trade press release

GEA software cuts water and energy consumption by up to 77% at Ammerland dairy

November 11, 2024

Copyright: Molkerei Ammerland
Copyright: Molkerei Ammerland

Copyright: Molkerei Ammerland

For the Ammerland dairy in Wiefelstede, northern Germany, GEA installed the Smart Filtration CIP and Flush software, which makes the cleaning processes of the filtration systems significantly more energy and water efficient. Source: GEA/Mathias Jensen Stenholt

For the Ammerland dairy in Wiefelstede, northern Germany, GEA installed the Smart Filtration CIP and Flush software, which makes the cleaning processes of the filtration systems significantly more energy and water efficient. Source: GEA/Mathias Jensen Stenholt

Fanny Foerster


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