Trade press release

GEA decanter for the world's largest wastewater treatment plant in Egypt

November 12, 2024

GEA has supplied six GEA biosolids Decanter prime 8000 dewatering decanters for the West Delta Wastewater Treatment Plant in Egypt. (Photo: GEA)

GEA has supplied six GEA biosolids Decanter prime 8000 dewatering decanters for the West Delta Wastewater Treatment Plant in Egypt. (Photo: GEA)

Thanks to a unique machine design, the prime line has been energy-optimized to such an extent that the energy balance of the prime line shows savings of up to 50 percent compared to previous generations of machines. (Photo: GEA)

Thanks to a unique machine design, the prime line has been energy-optimized to such an extent that the energy balance of the prime line shows savings of up to 50 percent compared to previous generations of machines. (Photo: GEA)

Dr. Michael Golek


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