Innovative dry-on-demand solution for biosolids treatment
The unique process utilizes small dewatered particles – ejecting directly from the rotating centrifuge bowl – which are then immediately heat seared and fixed by the primary direct heat injection stream. These solids are then further dried by the secondary hot airflow in the main drying chamber. This results in an enhanced dried granulated material with up to 50% dry solids with a sustained pathogen count below 100,000 cfu/g.
It’s possible to achieve these process results using either low-grade waste heat available at the site (75–90°C), heat generated from a fuel source, or a combination of both.
Raw sludge from product feed versus granulate from GEA biosolids Granulator
The end product opens additional end-user recycling opportunities, such as agriculture, composting, or incineration as a fuel/fuel additive.
A perfect solution for plants with limited disposal and recycling capacities that want to future-proof their processes in terms of circular economy, sustainability and ecological footprint.
Декантер GEA для твердых биологических отходов — это непрерывно работающая центрифуга с горизонтальной чашей с цельной стенкой, разработанная специально для (предварительного) обезвоживания и загущения шлама городских сточных вод.
Декантеры GEA для осадков представляют собой энергоэффективное решение для обезвоживания шлама промышленных сточных вод и шлама водоочистных станций.
GEA Intellicant – engineered intelligence to monitor, automate and optimize your sludge dewatering process.
GEA environmental Decanter lines
Mobile Decanter Systems
Sustainable drinking water production in Indonesia
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