Optimum operation of even the best machines or installations is only possible, if they are partnered with control systems of equal quality. Therefore, when selecting a control system, it's not just the price that counts, but finding competent and tailor-made solutions which are able to satisfy even the highest quality demands. Our Automation system can fulfill these demands with 4 modules that can be extended in functionality, connected machines and client connections.
Link Logic
Click here to watch video: GEA Food - Link Logic Automation
At the center of each automated process is the ability to start multiple machines at once while keeping the production environment safe.
The Link Logic module provides this functionality and ensures a productivity improvement.
Key features:
Process Manager
Click here to watch video: GEA Food - Process Manager Automation
When you want to check your process conditions for quality assurance or improvement programs, you want one platform that gives you all actual and historic process conditions. The Process Manager module of Automation connects to all your machines and records all data. The data is available in trends and reports and will never expire when you have backup media available.
Key features:
Plant Controller
Click here to watch video: GEA Food - Plant Controller
When you have a need to comply to trace-ability regulations, the Plant Controller of Automation can be used to record all material movements in your process. Barcode scanners are used to record all manual material additions and label printers are used to identify all materials discharged to bins/containers. The system allows you to search where materials where used and trace the process conditions for end products.
When you have an ERP system (i.e. SAP, MS Dynamics, etc.) the Plant Controller module can optionally be extended with an ERP interface that prevents double entry of recipes and material lists. The interface also reports production data back to your ERP system.
Key features:
Production Commander
Click here to watch video: GEA Food - Production Commander Automation
The production commander module provides full automatic production via batch execution based on a process recipe.
A material and recipe editor will be available and recipes can be schedule in a production planning editor to dispatch batches to the batch execution system.
The system makes it possible to automatically discharge materials from silos, correct fat content and check manual material additions against the recipe.
After production, reports are available to check the process conditions of each batch.
Key features:
Когда южнокорейский производитель продуктов питания из растительного сырья Pulmuone поставил перед компанией GEA задачу разработать современный вариант традиционной холодной тягучей лапши (нэнмён), специалисты GEA по исследованиям и разработкам успешно справились с этой задачей. GEA помогла разработать продукт, который сейчас является коммерческим хитом и производится с меньшими затратами воды и электроэнергии, чем с использованием ранее существовавших методов. Результат соответствует традиционному характеру блюда, а также принципам поддержания здоровья, благополучия и устойчивого развития компании Pulmuone.
Инновационный процесс компании GEA является важной вехой в предварительной очистке такого биотоплива, как гидроочищенное растительное масло и экологически чистое авиационное топливо. Благодаря отказу от процесса отбеливания производители получают значительную экономию через снижение эксплуатационных расходов более чем на 50% и сокращение выбросов CO2 на 12%.