Scepter® Stainless Steel Cross Flow Membranes
Rugged design, especially effective for demanding applications with extreme process conditions or feed streams with elevated particulate solids and/or high viscosity.
Stainless Steel Membrane
Scepter® stainless steel cross-flow membranes provide a highly durable filter medium for superior separations and consistent performance under extreme process conditions. Scepter's® cross-flow design and stainless steel construction make these membranes the most durable and dependable. Consequently, they can be used on a wide variety of tough process streams with a broad range of chemicals, pressures and temperatures.
Features include (but not limited to):
Scepter® (stainless steel membranes) is a registered trademark owned and operated by Graver Technologies
GEA Filtration is a world leader in cross-flow membrane filtration, with reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration as core technologies.
Stainless Steel Membrane
Каждый безопасный для употребления напиток и пищевой продукт — это победа над невидимыми микробными угрозами — борьба, которая ведется в течение уже ста лет разработки и проектирования технологических процессов, отвечающих требованиям...