Vacuum Technology
Liquid jet vacuum pumps are based on proven jet pump technology and often used in chemical laboratories for the production of vacuum.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps with threaded connections are mainly used in chemical laboratories for the production of vacuum, for example in vacuum distillation or drying.
They are also used for evacuating syphon lines, suction lines of circulating pumps and condensers; for deaeration of pressure vessels and for producing negative pressure in Nutsch filters.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps, when water is used as the motive medium, can be directly coupled to the water line. If, however, the water consumption has to be as economical as possible, the operating water may be circulated. This is also the case when other liquids are used as the motive medium, instead of water.
The temperature of the operating liquid may be kept low by the constant addition of a small quantity of fresh liquid. Higher vacuum can be achieved by further cooling of the operating liquid. This is particularly expedient when the suction flow contains condensable components, e.g. solvents. In such a case the vacuum pump can be operated by using the condensate as the motive medium.
The lowest suction pressure which can be obtained with a suction capacity of zero (blind vacuum) corresponds to the vapor pressure of the motive liquid which depends on the temperature of the liquid.
The action of liquid jet pumps is based on the fact that the liquid jet coming out of the motive nozzle at high speed entrains air, gas, liquid or solid matters from the head of the jet pumps and compresses them to atmospheric pressure.
For more detailed information on structure and mode of operation of jet pumps please refer to “Product catalogue”.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps with threaded connections are mainly used in chemical laboratories for the production of vacuum, for example in vacuum distillation or drying.
They are also used for evacuating syphon lines, suction lines of circulating pumps and condensers; for deaeration of pressure vessels and for producing negative pressure in Nutsch filters.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps, when water is used as the motive medium, can be directly coupled to the water line.
If, however, the water consumption has to be as economical as possible, the operating water may be circulated. This is also the case when other liquids are used as the motive medium, instead of water.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps with flanged connections are mainly used for the production of vacuum in laboratories and in pilot and production plants for example for vacuum distillation and vacuum drying.
They are also used for evacuating syphon lines, suction lines of circulating pumps and condensers; for the deaeration of pressure vessels and for producing negative pressure in a Nutsch filter, etc.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps, when water is used as the motive medium, can be directly coupled to the water line.
If, however, the water consumption has to be as economical as possible, the operating water may be circulated. This is also the case when other liquids are used as the motive medium, instead of water.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps of porcelain are used in laboratories and in pilot and production plants.
They are used for evacuating syphon lines on acid plants, for producing vacuum, for deaerating apparatus in which solvent vapors are produced and for producing negative pressures in Nutsch filters, etc.
Jet pumps of porcelain are encased in a protective armor of cast iron. These pumps are, therefore, well protected against mechanical and chemical aggression.
Эжекторные вакуумные насосы типа lvp1 основаны на проверенной технологии струйного насоса и часто используются, когда отсутствует пар в качестве рабочей среды.
With state-of-the-art pilot plants and test benches our R & D Center is optimally equipped for testing in the fields of jet pumps and vacuum systems.
Gas jet compressors are based on proven jet pump technology and often used to mix and compress gases.
Gas jet vacuum pumps are based on proven jet pump technology and often used to evacuate pipelines, vessels, and plants. They are used to mix and compress gases.
Изменение климата и растущее население планеты оказывают повышенное давление на энергоемкую пищевую промышленность, чтобы накормить больше людей и при этом не нанести вред планете. Джордж Шеперд, менеджер по глобальной технической устойчивости компании GEA, объясняет, как компания GEA использует свои инженерные ноу-хау, чтобы помочь переработчикам производить продукцию более устойчиво и при этом повысить производительность.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Каждый безопасный для употребления напиток и пищевой продукт — это победа над невидимыми микробными угрозами — борьба, которая ведется в течение уже ста лет разработки и проектирования технологических процессов, отвечающих требованиям гигиенических норм. Обладая более чем 100-летним опытом и уникальными знаниями в области проектирования и гигиенического проектирования, компания GEA устанавливает отраслевые стандарты для технологического оборудования, задачей которого является защита продуктов питания и спасение жизней людей.