PERFORMA P Tablet Press for Industrial Applications

For non-pharma applications, the PERFORMA P tablet press has been upgraded for high wear resistance to cope with abrasive powders.

PERFORMA P for Industrial applications

EDD: Concept and Benefits

The exchangeable turret of the PERFORMA consists of three separate parts: the upper punch guide, the EDD and the lower punch guide. The same patent-pending arm can be used to either swing the entire turret out of the machine or remove just the top punch guide — clearing the way for the tablet press operator to lift the light-weight die disc out of the machine.


  • Fast and easy format changeovers: duplicate Exchangeable Die Discs (EDDs) allow for off-line fitting and locking of the dies in the EDD.
  • Minimized investment cost: only the EDD needs to be duplicated instead of the entire turret.

Using two EDDs, maximum machine output can be achieved with minimum capital investment. This is a far more economical solution than duplicating the entire turret.

Bilayer Capability

The PERFORMA P can be supplied with a set of parts for bilayer production. The kit is a cost-effective solution for small-to-medium scale bilayer manufacturing needs. It’s easy to install and further enhances the versatility of the PERFORMA P tablet press. Outstanding features of the PERFORMA P in bilayer configuration include the following.

  • Unmatched accessibility of the compression area.
  • Integrated dust extraction nozzles, setting a new standard in design and efficiency and reducing cross-contamination to an absolute minimum.
  • A 2.5 kN tamping station and an 80 kN final compression station. At main compression, the dwell time can be set regardless of the linear speed, so that even at high speeds and with large tablet sizes, quality is ensured.
  • The second-layer feeder can be shut off, enabling first-layer sampling.

Technical Specifications

The PERFORMA P set up for single-layer production is available for D, B BB, BBS and A tooling:

Max. tablet diameter [mm]25,416 (L=19)13 (L=14,3)1111
Punch body diameter [mm]25,419191912
Outside die diameter [mm]38,130,162422no die
Die height [mm]23,8122,2222,2222,22no die
Number of stations2430363951
Max. fill depth [mm]2019191919
Top punch penetration [mm]1 to 4
Max. pre-compression force [kN]10 (under extended dwell time)
Max. compression force [kN]100
Max. output capacity [tab/h]157.000220.000264.000286.000374.000
Electrical requirements3phase+PE – 380 / 400 / 415 / 460 / 480 V – 50Hz / 60Hz   
nominal consumption 6 kW / power installed 11,9 kVA
Compressed air requirementsClean & dry / 7-8 bar / 500l/m
Dust extraction requirements150 m³/h at 15 mbar
Machine dimensions & weightW = 1.030 mm x D = 1.555 mm x H = 2.170 m – 2.500 kg


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