Dynamic dairy farming
GEA engineers Henrik Böttner (left) and Michael Strotmann (center)
The In-Liner Everything solution assigns an attachment to each individual udder, which then performs every step of the milking process: stimulation, teat cleaning, forestripping, milk harvest and post‑dipping.

The In-Liner Everything solution assigns an attachment to each individual udder, which then performs every step of the milking process: stimulation, teat cleaning, forestripping, milk harvest and post‑dipping.

Key #4: Customer is king
Dairy farming Down Under, with herd sizes ranging from 200 to 1200 cows, is typically done with grazing.

Dairy farming Down Under, with herd sizes ranging from 200 to 1200 cows, is typically done with grazing.

Dynamic dairy farming - II
DairyRobot R9500 Модель 2021

One and done teat cup attachment with In-Liner everything technology

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