
Customized solutions for the highest demands

The oil and gas industry will remain the motor of the global economy for decades to come. But the industry also has to fundamentally face new challenges in order to be able to efficiently tap new resources in the future.

This certainly includes oil fields with heavy oil and oil fields in deep-sea regions as well as oil and gas fields located in areas that are difficult to develop. Fields that have already been developed offer new opportunities, such as the processes of EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) or oil fields with extra-heavy crude oil, for example in Kuwait, Russia, South America and Canada. 

In order to make these resources available to the world market efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner in the future, efficient and resource-saving technologies are required. With the supply of plug and play processing systems which comply with even the most stringent environmental requirements, GEA's mechanical separation solutions plays a decisive role here. They handle continuous liquid-liquid-solids separation in a wide range of applications and capacities. The high-performance disk-stack centrifuges are specifically designed to cope with the needs and circumstances in various process setups in on- and offshore installations for oil and gas production.

Crude oil treatment

GEA Crude Oil Treatment Systems – Dehydration and Desalting with Centrifuges

GEA Crude Oil Treatment Systems are modular centrifugal process lines for the efficient dehydration and desalting of crude oil in various process setups.
Drenaj Suyu Arıtması için Konteyner İçinde Dekantör Santrifüj

Drenaj suyu arıtmasında ilk retrofit tesis

GEA ilk konteyner skidini başarılı şekilde tedarik etti


GEA İçgörüleri

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA Servis: Dünyanın üretim hatlarının arkasındaki can damarı

Dünyadaki her dört spagetti paketinden biri, her iki litre biranın ikinci litresi ve tüm işlenmiş sütün dörtte biri GEA makinelerinden geçmektedir. Üretim hatları bakım gerektirdiğinde, sorunları çözmek veya sorunların ortaya...

Polonya’daki yeni pompa tesisi, hijyenik üretime şeklini yeniden veriyor

GEA’nın Koszalin/Polonya’daki tesisi, hijyenik pompa üretiminde bir mihenk taşı niteliğindedir. Çok-amaçlı tesis, onlarca yıllık Alman mühendislik tecrübesini gelişmiş dijitalleşme ve ölçeklenebilir çözümlerle birleştiriyor....

Haberleri GEA’dan alın

GEA haber bültenine abone olarak GEA yeniliklerinden ve hikayelerinden haberdar olun.

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