Solid Dosage

Cardiovascular medication

GEA provides proven solutions for manufacturing even the most challenging dosage forms of cardiovascular medication.

Manufacturing Cardiovascular Medication

There are many types and combinations of medicines available to treat coronary heart disease (CHD), high blood pressure or heart failure, including anticoagulants, antiplatelet medications, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin and diuretics.

Whatever the active ingredient, GEA provides proven solutions for even the most challenging dosage forms, such as MUPS tablets, effervescents and multi-layer dosage forms, as well as granules, pellets, modified/extended release formulations, powders designed for direct tableting or capsule filling and high-volume applications.

Still an important unit operation, coating is used to either add color, protect, mask the taste or create a modified release form in pharmaceutical production. GEA offers a range of standard, innovative, batch and continuous coater systems 

Plus, as containment experts, the company offers the largest selection of solutions for contained processing based on a thorough containment risk analysis.

Providing increased yields, lower utility consumption and reduced waste, continuous manufacturing presents a new approach to high-volume oral dosage form production and meets the industry’s demands for faster product development, reduced costs, improved production economics and increased manufacturing flexibility.


GEA İçgörüleri

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

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GEA Servis: Dünyanın üretim hatlarının arkasındaki can damarı

Dünyadaki her dört spagetti paketinden biri, her iki litre biranın ikinci litresi ve tüm işlenmiş sütün dörtte biri GEA makinelerinden geçmektedir. Üretim hatları bakım gerektirdiğinde, sorunları çözmek veya sorunların ortaya...

Polonya’daki yeni pompa tesisi, hijyenik üretime şeklini yeniden veriyor

GEA’nın Koszalin/Polonya’daki tesisi, hijyenik pompa üretiminde bir mihenk taşı niteliğindedir. Çok-amaçlı tesis, onlarca yıllık Alman mühendislik tecrübesini gelişmiş dijitalleşme ve ölçeklenebilir çözümlerle birleştiriyor....

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