Solid Dosage

Gastro-intestinal medication

GEA can supply the right technology for Manufacturing Solid Dosage Forms for Gastrointestinal Applications, incl. high-volume production, effervescent processing and MUPS.

Manufacturing Solid Dosage Forms for Gastrointestinal Applications

Comprising a varied landscape of antacids, antiulcerants, vitamins and minerals, antiemetics, antinauseants, antidiarrheals and anti-obesity products, the gastrointestinal drugs market is segmented into a variety of oral solid dosage forms that require a wide range of different production techniques.

For example, for products that have to act in the stomach, effervescent dosages are often preferred. By contrast, for products that have to act in the intestines, MUPS or coated tablets are more prevalent.

Many of these products have to be produced in high volumes as they represent a large portion of the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

Whatever your application, GEA can supply the right equipment and technology for your production requirements: from integrated granulation lines for high-volume production and single-pot processors adapted to effervescent processing to tablet presses that can handle MUPS or effervescent formulations.

For coating applications, available technologies include fluid bed coating for smaller particles, such as powders, granules, seeds, crystals, pellets and small tablets, a multipurpose processor that uses proven fluid bed technology to achieve granulation, drying and pellet coating (or tablet coating) in a single processor and a continuous tablet coater that accurately deposits controlled amounts of coating materials on tablets, even if they are hygroscopic or friable.


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