GEA hiHop for the clarification of dry hopped beer

The GEA hiHop Decanter keeps your beer in the process ensuring for up to 10 percent more beer from each batch.

GEA hiHop Decanter for clarification of dry hopped beer

Clarification of heavy solid loads is as simple as 1-2-3

The hiHop decanter stands for a swift, easy and efficient clarification of heavy solid loads as seen in the dry hopping beer process.

Inhomogeneous and high solids loads can be processed easily thanks to the varipond system. hiHop achieves up to 35% Dry Substance of injected solids. This also means up to 10 % more beer from each batch.

Minimum oxygen pick-up over the decanter with de-aerated water and hydrohermetic sealing ensure high product quality.

Typical set ups are
  1. clarification of the cone with recirculation line and
  2. clarification of fermentation tank to maturation tank
More beer from each dry hopped batch with GEA hiHop Decanter

Customer benefits

No hustle, no clogging, maximum yield.

  • Up to 50 % solid load in tank cone; <0,1 % solids in product discharge
  • hiHop achieves up to 35 % Dry Substance ejected solids
  • Inhomogeneous and high solid loads can be processed easily
  • Up to 10 % more beer from each batch
  • Minimum oxygen pick up over the decanter with de-aerated water and hydrohermetic sealing
  • Maximum yield and maximum product quality
GEA hiHop Decanter portfolio

GEA hiHop Decanter portfolio


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