Püskürtmeli Kurutucu
Üniform, aglomera halinde, serbest-akışlı ve tozsuz tozlar, çoğu endüstri tarafından talep edilmektedir. FSD™ Püskürtmeli Kurutucu, bu türden üretimler için ideal seçimdir
FSD™ Püskürtmeli Kurutucu, her biri sprey kurutma prosesi esnasında bulunması gereken nem içeriğine adapte edilmiş üç kurutma aşamasında çalışmaktadır.
The liquid feed is atomized and fed into the drying chamber by a set of nozzles. The drying air enters vertically, and at a high velocity, through the air disperser, thus ensuring optimal mixing with the atomized liquid. Evaporation takes place instantaneously while the droplets pass through the drying chamber. The drying chamber and air flow have been designed to prevent particles from sticking to the chamber walls, leading them directly to the integrated Fluid Bed at the bottom of the drying chamber where the second drying stage will take place. Finally the powder is led to a VIBRO-FLUIDIZER™ Fluid Bed for the final drying and cooling.
The drying air leaves the chamber at the top, thus allowing for an extremely well defined secondary agglomeration where the fine particles in the drying air collide with the spray from the nozzles. The exhaust air passes through a filter to weed out the remaining particles. The fine particles discharged from the filter will be returned to the drying chamber, and – depending on the particular agglomeration required – they will be directed either to a static Fluid Bed or to a nozzle-based facility. Where non-agglomerated powder qualities are required, the fine particles will be led directly to the VIBRO-FLUIDIZER™ Fluid Bed.
Additional agglomeration
The FSD-GRANULATOR™ can be applied for purposes of additional agglomeration – other than what is obtainable by returning the fines back into the drying chambers. This patented system allows additional liquid to be added into the stationary integrated fluid bed – a feature not possible in conventional Spray Dryers. The liquid admitted, may be water, a liquid of the same composition as the feed, melt or a solution containing various substances.
We can give your plant further functionality by adding our FSD-Granulator to the NIRO FSD® spray dryer. The FSD-Granulator technology allows additional liquid to be added into the spray dryer’s stationary fluid bed to effect another stage of powder agglomeration. The introduced liquid might have the same composition as the feed itself, or be a solution of defined composition, or even water.
NIRO FSD® for instant coffee
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GEA has developed the Virtual Spray Dryer Testing based on Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate the performance of the spray drying process with all its complexity.
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