Yalıtımlı Kesme Vanaları (Aseptik)

Aseptic double-seat valves are used for the mixproof shut-off of incompatible products at pipe junctions in Aseptic processing plants. The integrated steam barrier (ISB) enables the safe separation of two product lines.

The Aseptomag® valve line is based on stainless steel bellow technology and mainly used for dairy, beverage and food applications. The modular structure enables the adaption of the valve configuration to process requirements.

Depending on plant complexity and required level of safety, double-chamber valves can be executed with one (DK), two (DDK) or three (AXV) steam barriers.

The Leakage Valve ADV is the simplest form of an aseptic mixproof valve and can be used i.e. for sterile water processes.


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