Slicing & Loading

The appearance of a sliced packaged product contributes to consumers buying decisions. So the more attractive and appetizing a product is, the more it stands out on crowded supermarket shelves. GEA is the expert you can count on, since mid of the 1950s where the first slicer has been brought into the market. Technical know-how and expertise granted many aspects in benefits of the slicing technology which helped us to become a major player in the industry. GEA slicing, scanning, weighing and loading machines arrange sliced products in a variety of visually appealing, space-saving and consumer-friendly ways.

OptiSlicer 6000 - slicing of meat and cheese products


İlgili Videolar

Cheese application GEA One Line Concept Slicing & Packaging

Cooked ham application GEA One Line Concept Slicing & Packaging

Deli products GEA One Line Concept Slicing & Packaging

GEA İçgörüleri

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

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Haberleri GEA’dan alın

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