Formulation & Small-Scale Production - increased versatility - increased safety - increased productivity - increased flexibility
Exchangeable Compression Module - all parts in contact with the product, including the tooling, are encapsulated inside the closed ECM. The ECM can easily be removed from the machine in a fast and contained manner, completely eliminating the need for cleaning of the inside of the press. This results in an extremely short product change-over in 30 minutes.
The MODUL P with bi-layer ECM is the first press to enter the market that enables continuous bi-layer tableting on a small scale. It is the perfect solution to your bi-layer formulation development, clinical trial and other small-scale production needs.
Healthy and happy cows are the key to successful and sustainable milk production. Keeping their cows healthy, therefore, is at the heart of every dairy farmer’s effort. Many factors influence the well-being of a cow, such as...
Her bir sektör, karbonsuzlaştırma konusunda katı yönetmeliklere ve kanunlara uyum sağlamaya çalışırken, bir yandan da net sıfır hedeflerine ulaşma yolunda yoğun çaba sarf etmekte. Aynı zamanda, şirketler karlılıklarını artırmaya...
Kahve, kakao, süt, et, balık ve yumurta - bu günlük temel gıdalar, büyük ölçüde yoğun tarıma bel bağlamaktadır. Yeni gıda teknolojilerinin yükselişiyle birlikte, artık daha sürdürülebilir alternatiflere sahibiz. GEA Sıvı, Fermantasyon...