不管有多少可以影响充气工序的参数,GEA 工艺技术都可确保饮料充气一致。这样消费者就能享用到最高质量的饮料——口感清爽,泡沫丰富。CO2 的高效使用可节省成本,并且与产品的高结合性可确保获得优异的灌装效果。
不管您要生产柠檬水、苹果汽水、矿泉水还是能量饮料,GEA 都是您的得力合作伙伴,能够满足碳酸饮料的所有工艺、灌装和包装要求。
Advanced beverage processing with GEA process units
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Consumers' increased attention to health and sustainability has led to the development of more and more premium products for people to discover and enjoy. Such products require high levels of hygiene and safety during filling and gentle handling to avoid unnecessary stress on the beverages, especially those containing cereals or fruit pieces.
The pump models in the GEA Smartpump line cover common, often used applications at standard conditions.
The pump models in the GEA Varipump line are conceived for extreme application demands and are individually optimized for your task.
A day of celebration: 150 years brewing systems at GEA
Filling the future: GEA Aseptic Filling Pilot Plant
Looking to the future of beer for our 150th