在生产家庭和个人护理产品的过程中,混合是不可或缺的部分。基于我们丰富的经验和专业技术,GEA 提供各种间歇式、连续式和内部定制设计的混合解决方案,并配备了可满足特定客户需求的流程组件。有效的混合确保产品提供最高和最稳定的质量,并可确保它们的生产具有成本效益。
在以下加工工厂动画中,您可以了解如何在 GEA 混合设备中实施卫生蝶阀、VARIVENT® 座阀、GEA Hilge HYGIA 离心泵、VARICOVER® 产品回收系统和轨道式清洁器。
LEFF® 代表 Low Emission Flip Flop(低排放触发器)。LEFF® 功能内置于 T.VIS® A-15 阀门控制模块中,可以轻松激活。路径控制的电子脉冲,可超高精度地控制打开阀盘的时刻和程度,从而通过最大限度地减少清洁剂消耗和清洗时间来优化清洗效果。
GEA 流程组件为您提供全面的模块化加工组件和解决方案组合,您可以选择、配置和定制这些组件,使您的生产保持顺畅无阻。
GEA delivers the process technology for the plant expansion of a leading cosmetics company in Thailand. The Home and Personal Care experts will commission the entire process – from raw material to filling, including the required cleaning systems for pipelines and intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) in Bangkok by April 2019. GEA is also responsible for the automation – where the control requirements of the processes are implemented. GEA technology will significantly reduce overall product losses during production. The order value is in the high single-digit million Euro range.
“Thanks to the GEA Typhoons, we’ve cut cleaning time by 90 percent while also consuming 90 percent less water and detergent. Instead of 25 minutes, we now only need two minutes for cleaning,” says Atila Kalemci, Automation & Project Manager (Sapro)
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