About us

Our values

The GEA values are the principles and beliefs which guide the way we work together within GEA and with our external stakeholders.

GEA values
Our values - blue

"Responsibility means ensuring our employees feel good about working for GEA and includes how we support the communities we operate in. When it comes to caring for the planet, GEA is committed to making a difference. We are involving everyone, including our suppliers, to achieve our target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040."

Stefan Klebert

CEO, GEA Group

Sustainability in Oelde


Sustainability at GEA

"Integrity relies on our ability to build and maintain trust with our shareholders, customers, suppliers and colleagues. These relationships are positively impacted because our employees embrace the GEA values."

Kai Becker

Division CEO, Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA Group

About GEA


About us

"Diversity requires embracing differences – in culture, language, skills, abilities and more. Different opinions and ideas make GEA a better place to work and drive performance and the kind of continuous improvement that leads to excellence."

Azam Owaisi

Regional CEO North America, GEA Group

Diversity at GEA


Diversity & inclusion at GEA

"Passion is a love for what you do. It means coming to work with a smile and a willingness to overcome challenges – go the extra mile. When we are passionate, we create the right environment for doing great work."

Béatrice Bruey

Regional CEO APAC, GEA Group

Meet GEA people


GEA employees – simply the best

"As a market leader we achieve best-in-class by supporting customers when, where and how they need us. This requires us to live our values, striving for excellence in everything we do. In this way we remain the partner of choice for our customers while delivering value for GEA."

Ilija Aprcovic

Division CEO Liquid & Powder Technologies, GEA Group

Sustainable solutions


Enabling customers

GEA 的水资源守护者

在全球水资源安全运动中,GEA 的节水和水处理解决方案正在推动减少用水、浪费和污染的行动 – 一家工厂、一个农场和一座城市逐步推进。


GEA 的创新工艺在生物燃料(如加氢植物油和可持续航空燃料)预处理领域树立了新的里程碑。通过消除漂白工艺,制造商可获得显著的节约潜力:运营成本降低超过 50%,二氧化碳排放量减少高达 12%。

GEA 员工 - 分离技术


GEA 离心机的故事始于 1893 年,当时 Franz Ramesohl 和 Franz Schmidt 开始生产他们获得专利的机械牛奶分离机,为现代乳制品加工铺平了道路。这项创新帮助克服了当时的一项重大挑战:如何在 19 世纪末为德国不断增长的城市人口供应牛奶。它还帮助推动蓬勃发展的行业。到 1913 年,德国又有 67 家制造离心机的公司加入了他们的行列,其中许多公司位于他们奥埃尔德工厂的附近。在引领分离技术 130 年后,GEA 仍然精益求精,重新思考离心机以创造新的优势。

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