离心分离机技术在生产饮用水中起着重要作用。GEA 卧螺离心机已成为海水脱盐和地表水处理过程中的可持续解决方案。它们能通过最大程度地节约水和能源来提供最佳结果,从而对可持续的全球供水做出重大贡献。
为了从地表水和海水中可靠地除去杂质,这类水在进入处理厂之前通常要经过各种化学和机械纯化处理。污浆累积之后必须根据有机污染性进行相应地处置。GEA 卧螺离心机能将累积的污浆可靠地分离成固体物质和可重复使用的水。它们能凭借强大的脱水性能对固体物质进行浓缩,使其含有大量干燥物质,体积大大减少,从而相应地降低了处置成本。
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GEA offers various solutions that allow you to optimize and automate your centrifuge and/or your process through precise monitoring of selected KPIs. The result: Clear cost transparency, maximized performance, increased resource-efficiency, and minimized manual operation. Customized by our expertise for your added value – explore untapped product...
The pump models in the GEA Smartpump line cover common, often used applications at standard conditions.
The pump models in the GEA Varipump line are conceived for extreme application demands and are individually optimized for your task.
GEA Hilge 提供种类繁多的离心泵和容积泵,适用于饮料、食品和制药行业的各种敏感应用。
GEA environmental Decanter pro
Mobile Decanter Systems
Nachhaltige Trinkwasserversorgung in Indonesien