利用 GEA 的多功能加工设备和机器,烘焙行业将能够开发出充满想象力的饼干配方、形状、款式和质地,到时候一定赚足眼球。
Popular around the world, wire cut cookies and simple biscuits still come in a huge range of shapes and textures. Crisp and snappy or buttery melt-in-the mouth, every biscuit should be enticing and full of flavor.
Co-extruded biscuits can hold a variety of jam, cream or chocolate fillings. Accurate depositing and precision filling are key to processing the highest quality products.
Swirled, chequerboard, layered or marbled, dual color biscuits with or without filling can be processed using dedicated machines to create special shapes and patterns.
Decoration with icing, jam nuts or chocolate pieces adds individuality and a creative touch to favorite flavors and textures. Sandwich biscuits that contain jam or chocolate make indulgent treats.
Precision and efficiency in the production of bakery products represent fundamental pillars in the bakery industry and, in particular, in the production of cookies and biscuits. GEA is distinguished by its meticulous and careful approach; from the design of production lines for cookies and biscuits, to their specific implementation based on the needs of individual customers, every detail is designed to ensure maximum precision, enabling high productions of high-quality cookies quickly and with minimal waste. Moreover, in our technologies, we always strive to maintain hygienic designs to ensure safety in the finished products and streamline the cleaning processes.
GEA 的挤出机和共挤机、烤炉和冷却系统可确保加工出完美的普通饼干、带装饰饼干、填馅饼干或夹心饼干。我们的先进系统可处理和加工范围广泛的一系列面团、混合物和馅料。
GEA 机器和生产线设计为具有高效率、高可靠性和可持续性。使用 GEA 独凸轮泵系统的面团浇注可确保为每一块饼干浇注确切数量的混合物,从而生产出完美造型的产品并减少浪费。可以在机器运行时调整工作参数,从而进一步减少停机时间。
GEA 烤炉可确保加工的每一块饼干都完美地着色且具有所需的质地。 在稳定状态下运转时,我们的烤炉不需要配备操作员,且市面上最高效的保温系统既可以节省能源,又可以节省成本。
GEA 为其客户付出了更多的努力,并且在意大利的两个 GEA 烘焙体验中心 (BEC) 提供工艺和食品技术专业知识。这两个中心帮助客户改善用于既定配方的现有工艺,并为新配方和烘焙概念开发工艺。这些配方和工艺均在 GEA 的一系列设备和技术上进行测试,以便为最高质量的产品设计出最高效、最具有经济效益且可持续的工艺。BEC 的工程师还会检测离开工厂准备交付到客户工厂的每一台 GEA 机器。
Expert support
In addition, it is important to pay attention to the consumption factor, both from the point of view of saving money, but also from the need for greater environmental protection; our electric oven solutions, have the ambition of going to replace the current gas ovens, so as to facilitate a safe, efficient and ecological transition in line with current needs.
Streamline your bakery processes and boost productivity with GEA Soft Dough & Cookies brochure. Whether you're looking to increase output, reduce downtime, or improve product quality, our brochure has you covered. Explore the latest innovations in cake production technology and learn how GEA can help you achieve your bakery's goals.
Butter, love and stainless steel: the perfect biscuit recipe.
GEA V-Packer IM-IV
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.