Marine System Solutions
The shipping industry is changing rapidly to meet the increasingly complex requirements of the IMO’s decarbonization target (zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050). There is a significant trend toward energy efficiency, future fuel in new builds and related OEMs, and intelligent maintenance.
As a steadfast and long-term partner to the marine sector, GEA facilitates the achievement of these objectives through its product innovation pipeline, robust global network of services, spare parts, and expertise.
Marine product portfolio
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GEA 气体压缩机是石油和天然气开采和加工作业、带有燃气轮机的发电厂、化学加工以及无数其他行业的关键系统元件。
Pushing the limi
At GEA, our Climate Strategy aligns with the 1.5°C target, delivering cost-effective and eco-friendly products. With over 115 years of experience in marine separators and expertise in natural refrigerant-based systems, we offer sustainable solutions for today while committing to future advancements.
Our marine system solutions cover fuel, lube oil, bilge water, EGR wash water treatment, fuel conditioning, engine cooling, seawater desalination, and refrigeration. Designed to withstand extreme conditions, GEA systems ensure reliable, energy-efficient performance even in rough seas, improving efficiency, cutting costs, and supporting environmental protection for shipping companies worldwide.
Marine product portfolio
All International Maritime Organization (IMO) and flag state regulations for the protection of sensitive marine ecosystems are more than met. The compact design of the systems and components meets the requirements of modern shipbuilding due to their low weight and the extremely small space required to accommodate them. Consistent use of the plug-and-play principle simplifies installation and contributes to shorter construction times. In addition, the systems are low-maintenance and support the demand for an intelligent, unattended engine room.
This means that costs are reduced, efficiency increased and return on investment optimized. At the same time working conditions are significantly improved and operational safety is further enhanced. As a result, the economic, social, and ecological sustainability of investments in shipping is further enhanced.
The GEA marine Separator
Keep your equipment fit with GEA Service
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GEA 气体压缩机是石油和天然气开采和加工作业、带有燃气轮机的发电厂、化学加工以及无数其他行业的关键系统元件。
"Pushing the limits" with the new GEA marine Separator
Ammonia as a future fuel
Benefits and service simplicity of the GEA marine Separator