

GEA 开发了一种将废油再回收到精炼或油处理过程中去的处理方法,以取代以往的高成本处理法。客户可获得的优势:以最佳方式使用资源。

Slop oil



... 到利用

第一步是对废油进行预处理。为此,要将油温升高到处理温度,并添加相应的化学品(例如破乳剂)来分裂乳化液,之后在特殊的混合器中进行均匀的搅拌。这是确保整个处理过程尽可能稳定的重要因素。无论混合物中的水和固体物质含量是否较高,也无论它的粘度是否较高,GEA 提供的高性能卧螺机都能将固体物质分离出来;如果采用三相卧螺机,它们还能同时将水从油中分离出来。我们的卧螺机能自动调整差速,使其适应变动的进料条件,从而始终保持最佳的分离效率。在后续的精细处理阶段,碟片式离心机能从油中分离出残留的水和极细的颗粒物。回收的油现在已符合标准精炼要求,可与正常的原油混合在一起做进一步的炼化处理。

处理卧螺机排出的水相是由自清式碟片分离机来完成的。它们通过除去极细小的沉淀物以及将残留的油含量降低到允许的限值甚至更低(通常是不超过 15 ppm)对水进行“精制”处理。通过这种方式能可靠地满足现有的环保要求,并且能以环保的方式对水进行处置。

按 ATEX 标准防爆设计

符合 ATEX 防爆区域 2 或 1 规定的防爆产品可在所有相关的处理过程阶段中提供最高的安全性。采用我们的惰气覆盖保护原理,被归类为危险品的物料也能在高于其闪点的温度下被加热并可靠地处理。



Single stage treatment

For feedstock material that can be efficiently processed through dewatering and simultaneous oil and water separation, GEA's 3-phase single-stage decanter centrifuges are the preferred solution. These centrifuges can handle high solid content achieving maximum dewatering and clarification in one stage, making them ideal for easier slop oil treatment requirements.

Flow chart single-stage treatment with 3-phase decanter centrifuge

Single-stage treatment with 3-phase decanter centrifuge

Double stage treatment

In cases where the feedstock is more challenging to treat or higher oil quality is required, GEA's double-stage treatment process becomes more viable. This involves using 2-phase decanter centrifuges followed by high-speed disk stack centrifuges. The disk stack machines process the decanter centrate phase, separating ultra-fine particles and maximizing water removal. This results in a high-quality oil product that can be merchandized similarly to crude oil.

Slop oil double-stage treatment with 2-phase decanter centrifuges and disk stack centrifuges

Double-stage treatment with 2-phase decanter centrifuges and disk stack centrifuges

Why GEA for efficient slop oil treatment

GEA's advanced centrifugal separation technology offers a robust and efficient solution for the treatment of slop oil and oily sludge. Our tailored single and double-stage treatment processes ensure maximum recovery of valuable hydrocarbons while minimizing environmental impact and disposal costs. With GEA, you can trust in a partner that delivers reliable, high-performance solutions backed by over a century of expertise in the field.


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GEA 服务:全球生产线背后的生命线

全球四分之一的意大利面条、每二升啤酒和四分之一的加工牛奶都依赖于 GEA 机械。当生产线需要关注时,GEA 服务团队会介入解决问题或从一开始就防止问题发生。通过将机器和工艺知识与数字工具和解决方案相结合,GEA 可以帮助客户提高生产力并更可持续地生产。


位于波兰科沙林的 GEA 设施树立了卫生泵生产的标杆。该多功能基地将数十年的德国工程专业知识与先进的数字化和可扩展解决方案相结合。这是满足食品、饮料和制药等行业日益增长的需求的大胆举措。

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