啤酒花是野蔷薇果!但是,在处理啤酒花固体、多余的酵母和残渣时会损失大量的完美酿制啤酒。所有的钱都血本无归。但是,利用 GEA “即插即赢”离心机模块,您可以最大程度地开发并销售更多啤酒。我们为大小啤酒厂准备了正确的解决方案!



Give your brew the spin it deserves

The game-changing GEA plug & win i craft beer centrifuge is now better than ever with a sustainable direct drive and with automated valves to maintain the perfect look, feel, and quality of your beer with safety and ease, batch after batch! 

Resource efficient solution

As one of our most resource-efficient solutions, our GEA plug & win i separator skid carries the GEA Add Better label.* The high-efficiency motor transfers energy directly to the bowl without the use of belts and clutches. This reduces the energy consumption of the GEA plug & win i by up to 10% compared to the predecessor model. 
The GEA plug & win i has also service intervals extended by 100% and a noise level reduced to below 76 dB(A) during operation. 
GEA 精酿即插即用

*The Add Better label relates to the serial product GEA plug & win i separator skid released in September 2022. The comparison refers to its predecessor model, the GEA plug & win separator skid. Figures have been validated according ISO 14021 byTÜV Rheinland, one of the world’s leading testing service providers.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • up to 10 percent less energy consumption 
  • convenient noise level below 76 dB(A) during operation 
  • about 30 percent less machine footprint 
  • up to 100 percent longer service intervals – less downtimes, more availability 

More beer in less time while safeguarding consistent quality.

  • 5 to 10 percent more beer from the same amount of raw ingredients (depending on beer recipe and brewing process) 
  • Same amounts of beer brewed with decisively reduced effort (less energy and hours of work) 
  • Multi-purpose applications in the brewing process to take your business to the next level! 
  • Reproducible quality: Comprehensive automation options make sure your beer comes out right every time.

No oxygen pick-up

The patented GEA twin hydrohermetic sealing on GEA’s beer centrifuges completely seals the product from the atmosphere, eliminating numerous problems for the brewer. Oxygen is safely kept away from the beer, simply with water and CO₂ used in a wear-free sealing system on the top of the bowl. The beer is fed gently into the bowl via the hydrohermetic feed system

Safe inline carbonation as an option

Plug and win craft skid with inline carbonation
The plug & win i centrifuge skid offers an optional carbonation extension, eliminating the need for a separate unit and tank. Inline carbonation provides exceptionally precise control that ensures consistency across batches, no matter the size of the brewery. Packaging is possible shortly after inline carbonation and separation. 

Watch GEA plug & win i performing at Pott’s brewery

GEA 洞察

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA 服务:全球生产线背后的生命线

全球四分之一的意大利面条、每二升啤酒和四分之一的加工牛奶都依赖于 GEA 机械。当生产线需要关注时,GEA 服务团队会介入解决问题或从一开始就防止问题发生。通过将机器和工艺知识与数字工具和解决方案相结合,GEA 可以帮助客户提高生产力并更可持续地生产。


位于波兰科沙林的 GEA 设施树立了卫生泵生产的标杆。该多功能基地将数十年的德国工程专业知识与先进的数字化和可扩展解决方案相结合。这是满足食品、饮料和制药等行业日益增长的需求的大胆举措。

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