
GEA Grasso FX P / GEA Grasso FX Pduo

This chiller series is the industrial standard for applications with great temperature difference between evaporation and condensation. CE certified.

GEA FX P / GEA FX Pduo 系列使用工业级标准,适用于蒸发器与冷凝器存在大温差情况的应用。对于冷冻和冷却应用,实际上涵盖了制冷量从 200 至 5,800 千瓦的所有可能应用。


  • 应用范围宽,可作为冷冻机组、热泵(28 巴)或往复机
  • 灵活的模块化设计
  • 使用能量滑块和变频进行无级能量控制
  • 自动和可变的内容比 (Vi)
  • 高效的板式热交换器作为蒸发器和冷凝器 
  • 默认情况下使用水冷式冷凝器,适用于其他冷凝器类型
  • 有 1 或 2 个压缩机(FX P 或 FX Pduo)的螺杆压缩制冷机组
  • 即使在高压比率下也有较低的排放温度
  • 有选配的经济器

通过我们的产品选择和配置工具 GEA RTSelect 了解更多信息。

GEA Grasso FX P / Pduo
型号压缩机制冷量 ¹)(千瓦)尺寸(毫米)重量(千克)

GEA Grasso FX P(1 个压缩机)

200GEA Grasso SH-C2092100170022003200
250GEA Grasso SH-D2452100170022003250
300GEA Grasso SH-E2942100170022003350
350GEA Grasso SH-G3482100170022003500
450GEA Grasso MC-H4453400200023005200
550GEA Grasso MC-L5253400200023005400
650GEA Grasso MC-M6463700210026506800
800GEA Grasso LT-P7954000210026507800
900GEA Grasso MC-N8553950220026508100
1100GEA Grasso LT-R10274200220026509000
1300GEA Grasso LT-S12744200220026509600
1500GEA Grasso LT-T139442002200265010300
1700GEA Grasso LT-V164746002500290011000
2000GEA Grasso LT-W190048002600290012000
2400GEA Grasso LT-Y230650002500365012800
2800GEA Grasso LT-Z276165002800365014900
3300GEA Grasso LT-XA326067003000365016250
4200GEA Grasso LT-XB416965004000500025500
5000GEA Grasso LT-XC492370004500500027500
5800GEA Grasso LT-XD582875004500500030000
GEA Grasso FX Pduo(2 个压缩机)2x2002 x GEA Grasso SH-C4184500240023004800
2x2502 x GEA Grasso SH-D4904500240023004900
2x3002 x GEA Grasso SH-E5884500240023005180
2x3502 x GEA Grasso SH-G6964500240023005480
2x4502 x GEA Grasso MC-H89052002500265010000
2x5502 x GEA Grasso MC-L105057002750265010600
2x6502 x GEA Grasso MC-M129260002750265011150
2x8002 x GEA Grasso LT-P159067003200290013500
2x9002 x GEA Grasso MC-N171065003200280012200
2x11002 x GEA Grasso LT-R205473003600360014500
2x13002 x GEA Grasso LT-S254875003600360015500
2x15002 x GEA Grasso LT-T278881003900360017500
2x17002 x GEA Grasso LT-V3294不适用不适用不适用不适用
2x20002 x GEA Grasso LT-W3800不适用不适用不适用不适用
2x24002 x GEA Grasso LT-Y4612不适用不适用不适用不适用

¹) 载冷剂温度 12/6 °C,冷却介质温度 27/32 °C 

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